What are concerts but ephemeral portals through space and time?
Music, “the sounds of the universe speaking through us”, the only tool that can allow us to truly express our humanness to one another
For one night, a few hours, we are there, all together, in that room.
The band comes on, they play some songs,
12 notes in total, ringing maybe still through our ears
Then the doors open, we disperse back into our respective worlds
The concert now simply a memory of our collective minds.
The band moving on—another show, another city, another night.

It is an impossible task to surmise.
To construct a single narrative of moments seen through a thousand eyes,
When to each, the moments mean something unique
How that time somehow alters the living of our individual lives.
But collectively, those moments are ones we shared; when we were in concert, when we were all there.
We the worshipers of electric sound,
gathered for our communion at the Chapel this Tuesday night
The venue, the old mortuary, in San Francisco, on Valencia Street.
To see, to be a part of a sacrament offered, a sacrament received
It was, is, and forever shall be
Words and photos by Chris LeBoa