Tune in on Friday, August 18th @ 2:30PM to hear Frontal Lobe speak with critically acclaimed Dubai-born, Montreal-based songwriter, Edwin Raphael, before he plays the Rickshaw Stop in SF on August 22nd.
Together, they will discuss the pandemic’s role in unexpectedly making space for creative output, album influences including desert transcendentalist painter Agnes Pelton, the crucial role collaboration and community played in refining the album’s sound, and translating a richly layered record into legible and captivating live performance.
Raphael’s latest album, Warm Terracotta, represents a sacred space to find yourselves over & over again. Fourteen songs that bring forward the duality and complexity of simply being. It trusts that when you do things from your soul, you feel a river move within you. It’s about balancing the good with the bad. It’s encountering a landscape that is completely surreal to you but also the closest thing to home. This project involves the arch of self-realization & leans on the generosity of the unexpected. It is a space for thoughts, discovery and new connections.