On the next Fiat Lux Redux, Tuesday, January 21, at 9am, pioneering professor of psychology and neuroscience at UC Berkeley and the Renee and Bob Parsons Endowed Chair in the Berkeley Center for the Science of Psychedelics, Gül Dölen, best known for her work using psychedelic drugs to study animal social behavior and neural plasticity. She talks about octopus intelligence, drug therapy, and how psychedelics may be the so-called “master key” to unlocking critical periods of learning. Her research has explored how the brain engages with the drug ‘ecstasy’ and what it might mean for the future of psychedelic-assisted treatment.
Fiat Lux Redux presents previously aired lectures, conversations, and podcasts originating on the campus of UC Berkeley every other Tuesday from 9am to 9:30am. These often-lengthy original programs have been edited to a 30-minute format by experienced KALX producers. The show’s name, Latin for “Let there be light”, is a reference to the University of California’s motto, which is also Fiat Lux. The show’s goal is to provide listeners with a window into the intellectual and cultural life of UC Berkeley and to showcase the wide range of subjects and diversity of thought and ideas that are present at UC Berkeley.