On Tuesday, February 4, at 9AM, Fiat Lux Redux presents WAR IS BACK, a panel discussion at UC Berkeley’s Social Science Matrix that explores the current geopolitical tensions in the Middle East and Europe; the changing nature of warfare, including the deployment and sometimes live-testing of new technologies; the emergence of a new cold war with sovereignty disputes and defensive trade and security policies with China; and what this all means for the future of war.
Panelists include Michaela Mattes, Associate Professor in the Charles and Louise Travers Department of Political Science at UC Berkeley; Andrew W. Reddie, Associate Research Professor at UC Berkeley’s Goldman School of Public Policy, and Founder of the Berkeley Risk and Security Lab; and Daniel Sargent, Associate Professor of History and Public Policy at UC Berkeley, and Co-Director for the Institute of International Studies.
Co-sponsored by the Berkeley Institute of International Studies, this event took place September 30, 2024 at Social Science Matrix, as part of the Matrix on Point series, a discussion series promoting focused, cross-disciplinary conversations on today’s most pressing issues and featuring the perspectives of leading scholars and specialists from different disciplines, followed by an open conversation These thought-provoking events are free and open to the public. Learn more here.
Fiat Lux Redux presents previously aired lectures, conversations, and podcasts originating on the campus of UC Berkeley every other Tuesday from 9am to 9:30am. These often-lengthy original programs have been edited to a 30-minute format by experienced KALX producers. The show’s name, Latin for “Let there be light”, is a reference to the University of California’s motto, which is also Fiat Lux. The show’s goal is to provide listeners with a window into the intellectual and cultural life of UC Berkeley and to showcase the wide range of subjects and diversity of thought and ideas that are present at UC Berkeley.