On Tuesday, June 25th @ 3PM, DJ Massari hosts one of the original founders of the New Age music movement, Iasos, for a live in-studio interview.
Iasos (pronounced ya’ sos) is a Music Creator, specializing in celestial, heavenly, inter-dimensional music. More recently, he has been focusing on creating celestial visuals.
In 1967, to his surprise, Iasos began spontaneously hearing a new type of music in his mind, which he then referred to as “paradise music”. After graduating from Cornell in anthropology in 1968, Iasos decided to move to California and to dedicate his life to manifesting this “heavenly music” he was experiencing internally, since he was convinced it would have an uplifting, healing, spiritually-invigorating and harmonizing effect on many potential listeners. And that in many cases, this music would help people to connect to heavenly realms of existence.
In 1975 Iasos, along with his colleague Steven Halpern, pioneered and began what is now known as “New Age music” – with both Iasos and Steven each releasing their first album at that time.
Since 1968 Iasos has remained focused and dedicated to his original intention – composing and recording his music, giving seminars, and doing multi-media concerts around the world.