Join the greatest radio station in the world! The next recruitment for KALX volunteers is right around the corner!
Be a DJ! Specializing in alternative music of every genre: rock, punk, electronica, jazz, funk, soul, blues, hip-hop, classical and more!
Learn how to produce for radio! Technical training as well as writing for and presenting informational programs: Daily News, Live Cal sports broadcasts, and a wide variety of Arts & Culture programming.
The summer volunteer recruitment is open to students and community members. Please note we will be admitting a limited amount of non-students. Please sign up ASAP if you are interested.
To receive information about the Volunteer Recruitment dates you must fill out this form!
Questions? Shoot us an email at or give us a ring at 510-642-1111
Don’t miss your opportunity to join us! DEADLINE TO SIGN UP IS MONDAY 6/17 AT 5PM!