Our DJs All4ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZ4 45 RPM The Soundtrack to your life story, with a twist ending. From new wave to post-apocalypse, from garage punk to garage sale. Email: dj45rpm@aol.com DJ A Alisa Queen of the Cowbell. DJ Playlists Amazing Grace So much music, so little time......only the best sounds & energy from here, there, and everywhere Email: amazingly_so@hotmail.com DJ Playlists Annabelle DJ Playlists Anonymous Heavy metal, e-z listening, horror, disco, hardcore, jazz, harsh noise, pop, folk, new wave, industrial, etc. DJ Playlists Astral Projection DJ Playlists B B-Fly DJ Playlists Baby Teeth DJ Playlists Bartleby I'd prefer not to. DJ Playlists Beast Monster Thing little creature floating through space. Email Instagram DJ Playlists Beetle Juice DJ PLAYLISTS Berkeleian Megatrends L&S impostor pretending to be an EECS major, subbing in whenever and occasionally playing novelty songs and music that used to be popular DJ Berkestir Eclectic dishes of musical diversity served up on vinyl dishes with digital Cdware Email: jonberke@yahoo.com DJ Playlists Big Bird DJ Playlists Brickbats DJ Playlists Bunny Byte DJ Playlists C Carnacki Scandinavian folk classical ghost stories and cod surrealism. All Current music. DJ Playlists Carolyn DJ Playlists Catatonic "The radio aches a little tune that tells the story of what the night is thinking. It's thinking of love." - Richard Siken, Crush Charley Varrick The last of the independents. Email: charleyvarrick907@gmail.com DJ Playlists Cherry Crush Cherry Crush is best known for co-creating (along with Carl Sagan and several others) the golden record that was sent into space in the Cia Cia La Pirata ciacialapiratakalx on FB and Instagram Email: cclpkalx@yahoo.com DJ Playlists Control Issues A place for everything, and everything in its place. Email DJ Playlists Controlled Burn DJ Playlists Cosmo DJ Playlists Cuppa Joe Caffeine in hand. Accidental and adventurous. Unstaid and unsettled. Experimental and empirical. Occasionally flustered but always passin' muster. Dammit Jim, I'm a simple country Curt ‘n’ Flip "Hey, you got shoegaze in my power-pop!!" "Well you got power-pop in my shoegaze!" It’s Curt’N’Flip— two musical tastes that taste great together, popping Curt Reply To paraphrase Lou Reed: One chord is fine. Two chords is pushing it. Three chords and you're into jazz. Curt Reply rarely counts above Cut Her Bangs DJ Playlists D da Flower Punk DJ Playlists Daily Pretense DJ Playlists DangerVenture DangerVenture was created by an unknown entity within the breadbox of KCSC at CSU, Chico. He went into hiding for five years only to Deep Mission Good morning Mr. Phelps. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to listen. From the deepest darkest heart of the mission come Dejavu DJ Playlists Della DJ Playlists Desolation Girl DJ Playlists Diego bright eyes and open ears. ig handle: @diego.dme email: diegomorenoe34@gmail.com DJ Playlists DJ Aahh Tidbits - this and that, a little somethin' somethin'. Do that thing. U knowww. Email: djaahh@gmail.com https://rexwinterbottom.com https://instagram.com/rexwinterbottom DJ Playlists DJ Circumstance DJ Playlists DJ Dokkaebi DJ Dokkaebi invites you to venture into the land of the Dokkaebi- unpredictably groovy tunes from all across the board and all across the DJ Donut Monoxide DJ Playlists DJ Hag DJ Playlists DJ maggz DJ Playlists DJ Massari lolz, iconique electronique beats, sophisti-pop, outernational, mom jamz, reggae, hi-tech jazz, goth, techno, melancholy soul, house, disco, gangster-italo, brazillia new wave, trumpet rock, lovers DJ Matthew DJ DJ Playlists DJ Trainee Up-and-coming KALX DJ's Spinitron DJ Trainee or Substitute DJ Up-and-coming KALX DJs and sometimes your old favorites filling in DJ Twinkle Experiencing and exploring music. email: djtwinkle@gmx.com DJ Playlists E ((echoplex)) DJ Playlists E. Lit DJ Playlists Ears of Maize "I live for the funk, I die for the funk..." Website: https://linktr.ee/earsofmaize Email: earsofmaize@gmail.com Instagram DJ Playlists Linktree ec0fr3ak the greenest dj on kalx. Email: ecofreakkalx@gmail.com Instagram DJ Playlists eggonstilts DJ Playlists Eleven Email: kalxeleven@gmail.com DJ Playlists Eli Music. Talking. More music. More talking. DJ Playlists Entropy DJ Playlists Evil Erik DJ Playlists Excuse My French Excuse My French, the DJ with a French accent ! Join me on chilled shows full of world music, lounge, DnB, Reggae, jazz, electronica, F Feel Good Weird feel good soup for the weird soul Email: hello@feelgoodweird.com DJ Playlists Figureskater Tuesdays 8-10 PM (biweekly) wordless, ethereal, soothing, chaotic, nighttime gems Email Instagram DJ Playlists Fizz Fizz, the sound of effervescence DJ Playlists Frank DJ Playlists Freddy Sneakers DJ Playlists Fresh Pink DJ Playlists Frontal Lobe Throw caution and executive function to the wind - tune in to ride unpredictable synaptical firings across genres, eras and predilections. Email: djFrontalLobe@pm.me DJ Fuzzhound DJ Playlists G g. extrasauce DJ Playlists Glenn Killer DJ Playlists Gloop DJ Playlists Good JuJu DJ Playlists H Hate Feeler Industrial, power electronics, noise, and other sounds that slither, skitter, squall, and scab. Instagram DJ Playlists Huck Spin DJ Playlists I Imaginary Radio Email: djimaginaryradio@gmail.com DJ Playlists In Your Orbit DJ Playlists Isopropyl DJ Playlists J Jack the Stripper I play music for the aesthetically-challenged. Check me out biweekly Mondays from 1:30-3 jackthestripperkalx@gmail.com/@jackthestripperkalx Don't be weird in my inbox. DJ Playlists Jeff DJ Playlists JJ All killer, no filler. Lots of local bands; no ragas. Email: thecerealfactory@gmail.com DJ Playlists Joey Miscue DJ Playlists Jon The Reptilian DJ Playlists K KALX Rewind Katmoth Email: kanstett@berkeley.edu DJ Playlists Kendra K Let's waste some time together. Or not. Eat rocks. DJ Playlists Email Instagram Bsky Kowalski Jr. Email DJ Playlists L Ladybug DJ Playlists Lance D’Amour DJ with a certain what the French would call I don't know what. Instagram DJ Playlists Last Will DJ Playlists Lazarus DJ Playlists Lil Lena DJ Playlists Little Citrus DJ Playlists Lost n Found DJ Playists Lucky Star Email Instagram DJ Playlists Luna DJ Playlists M Madame X A love letter to a wiener dog. If that wiener dog wore a monocle. Or got really mad. Or had an indie rock mop Majority Whip "Radio has helped to make people fixated on one particular kind of a sound and one particular kind of a style. And, a lot marshmellow toothpaste DJ Playlists Matokie Twang twang twang, bleep bleep bloop, ob la di, deedly boodly, raaaraaar, doo bee doo, scitchy scratch, bow chicka bow bow, bounce bounce bounce, May-o-naize DJ Playlists Megasoup Psychedelic soundscapes, organic & electronic rhythms, eclectic global styles, lush ambient zones, jazz/funk/soul grooves, and much more... it's all part of the deliciously diverse Melodrama DJ Playlists Microtone Freeform philosophy for musical stumblers. microtonekalx@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/MicrotoneKALX/ https://www.instagram.com/microtonekalx/ DJ Playlists Mike DJ Playlists Mike Burma Punk rock, fuzz-pop, avant-garde jazz, soundtracks, soundscapes, and tweaky noise weirdness. Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikeburma @mikeburma Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeburmakalx/ @mikeburmakalx Facebook: Ha ha, no way Email: mikeburma@browbeat.com Mike’s Mic DJ Playlists Miss Demeanors Email Instagram DJ Playlists Miss Misery DJ Playlists Mostly Friendly DJ Playlists Mr. Green Genes What do I play? Music of course! Sometimes progressive rock, sometimes jazz, sometimes interviews–always worth tuning in! Find me at mrgreengeneskalx@gmail.com and on Instagram Muddyrich DJ Playlists Murky Logic At KALX since 2001. Playing all kinds of music. Mostly good. DJ Playlists N Neoguri DJ Playlists Ness DJ Playlists O Off the Griddle DJ Playlists P Pacifica I only play one very specific genre, called stuff I like. Email: pacificakalx@gmail.com DJ Playlists Paper Cut DJ Playlists Penny Royal Aborting boredom in the Bay Area and beyond, Penny Royal is keeping things loud and weird on the KALX airwaves. From avant-noise, free jazz, Peter Piper DJ Playlists Petra Core DJ Playlists Placeholder Elusive DJ who can't be pinned down to a time slot, usually appearing on the air as a surprise to both the listener and Play Doe The Radio Jane Doe DJ Playlists Poindexter Noisy pop, poppy noise Instagram DJ Playlists Polly Vinyl DJ Playlists Pop Goes The Weasel Hello, my name is Pop...and I am a musical hedonist. Email: weasel90.7fm@gmail.com DJ Playlists Q qb(X) Email: qbx.on.kalx@gmail.com DJ Playlists Queen Bee Instagram DJ Playlists R Rare Earth Email: rareearth90.7@gmail.com https://www.instagram.com/rare_earth90.7/ DJ Playlists Reality Check DJ Playlists Red Rider DJ Playlists Renée Black Unity. It's all or nothing. Keep the faith! miss.dj.renee.black@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/miss.dj.renee.black https://www.instagram.com/miss.dj.renee.black Spinitron Replays of Various Pre-recorded KALX Programming Roscoe 2000 ...what was that band...shoot...what was that band...um, the guy with the hair...damn, what was that band... Email: roscoe2ooo@hotmail.com DJ Playlists S Seagull DJ Playlists Selkie DJ Playlists Sex 14s Wandering the foggy moors of dreamland with only a Victrola to light the way. Where songs about Jesus and Satan intermix with ditties about Sherry Darling DJ Playlists Shrey popcore. dronewave. robot ragas. emotronica. vegetable punk. grime'n'bass. hindi-indie. smooth metal. Email: shreyas@slackers.net DJ Playlists Slime Man DJ Playlists Sly Ida Email: sly.ida.kalx@gmail.com DJ Playlists Sparkle Motion Former Solid Gold dancer doubts your commitment to Sparkle Motion. Contact me at sparkmokalx@gmail.com DJ Playlists Squyd djsquyd@gmail.com Spinitron Stack DJ Playlists Steely Daria Spinitron StrayKat DJ Playlists Suhnharini Vasahn Suundelehguntah The Garden of KALX is what we tend, From whence beautiful sounds bloom and send suhnharini@gmail.com Instagram: @suhnharini Sully DJ Playlists Sunspot DJ Playlists Surface Tension Less stalk, more awk. email: surface.tension.kalx@protonmail.com DJ Playlists T TBA Regular DJ to be announced The Bronzed Adonis DJ Playlists The Cat’s Pajamas DJ Playlists The Flipside DJ Playlists The Genderwave "a potentially formulaic show where you simply hear song after song ... an organic, shapeshifting sonic journey made up of fragments of sound woven The Kernel DJ Playlists The Muse When imagination blooms on the bowers of the Gods, the Muse provides the fruits--a la carte or full service. All genres considered (except Muzak). The Night Man Minding the desk late night at KALX. Keeping the lights on and the music spinning. Email: weasel90.7fm@gmail.com DJ Playlists The Parasitic Twin DJ Playlists The Rooster DJ Playlists Thursday Girl DJ Playlist Tiger Lily A manic, sleep-deprived stew of '70s punk, glam, rockabilly, '50s rocknroll, doowop, '60s girl groups, pub rock, garage, punkrocknroll, and whatever else provokes riots Tumble Weed Got'em, if you smoke'm. Pioneering the aural trail with the odd, indie and international to live layering bionic meltdowns. Spreading seeds of sound, far Tumble Ween Tuna Satana DJ Playlists U Uncle Mike DJ Playlists V Velvet Einstein From punk to classical, from Paris to Hong Kong, from noise to polyphony, from the islands of Cape Verde to the island of Alameda, Velveteen DJ Playlists Vernal Pools DJ Playlists Vic Vocab It pays to enrich your word power. Email: weasel90.7fm@gmail.com DJ Playlists W Window Wall DJ Playlists Wumble Teed Y Yeon2k DJ Playlists Your Mom LOOKING FOR THE JOKE WITH A MICROSCOPE Your Mom IG Your Mom FB DJ Playlists Z Zabardast DJ Playlists