post-punk righteous noisy mutant disco soul pop jams
All killer, no filler. Lots of local bands; no ragas.
Sherry Darling
Heavy metal, e-z listening, horror, disco, hardcore, jazz, harsh noise, pop, folk, new wave, industrial, etc.
Majority Whip
“Radio has helped to make people fixated on one particular kind of a sound and one particular kind of a style. And, a lot of people today, since music education is virtually nonexistent in public schools, they don’t even know what they’ve been missing in terms of music from other cultures, music from America from other periods, (and) different styles. You may not like it all, but if you don’t even know that it exists, how are you going to make up your mind?” – Frank Zappa
Transister Sistor
Glam-a-Rama Metallic Banana – Music for the Mosh Pits, Hootenanny’s and Disco Ballrooms of life. Viva Eclectica!