After a five-year hiatus, DJ Rubberband Girl is reviving the beloved Quirkyalone radio special this Valentine’s Day from 3PM to 5:30PM with guest-host DJ Microtone. They will be celebrating the spirit of the Quirkyalone with a mix of songs (and musings) reflecting on solitude, single-hood, independence, individuality and above all self-acceptance.
Do you prefer to be on your own rather than be in an unsuitable relationship? Have plans for the future that don’t necessarily include someone else? Do your friends and family think it’s odd that you don’t bring a partner along to parties and events? Well, you’re definitely not alone, but you may be Quirkyalone. Tune in and find out.
They are also welcoming input from listeners prior to the show. If you are a Quirkyalone (or a Quirkytogether) and have thoughts to share on your experience – or just want to declare yourself to the world – please leave a voicemail at the Quirkyalone Hotline: 415-842-9080. Your message may be used during the program!