Tune in to The Graduates this Tuesday @ 9AM for a special episode from the field. This past August, I went with the Department of Integrative Biology’s Williams Lab (my lab away from lab) on their annual trip to Sedgwick Reserve, a research facility in the UC Natural Reserve System. We collected variable field crickets and made observations about their habitat and behavior. The variable field cricket is interesting because some adult individuals are capable of flight and some are not, and members of the Williams Lab, especially recent graduate Lisa Treidel, want to understand the causes and implications of this variability. Listen to hear scientists working, but also celebrating the recent graduations of Lisa, Kevin Roberts (who I previously interviewed), and Cathy Hernandez (who’s also a friend of the lab).
The Graduates, featuring graduate student research at Cal, is broadcast every other Tuesday on KALX 90.7 FM. Past episodes are available to listen and download free on iTunes or online. This episode of The Graduates is hosted by Andrew Saintsing, a PhD candidate in the Department of Integrative Biology.